Faithful Fees: Ensuring Fair Pay During Holy Week 2024

As the nation pauses to reflect on its spiritual journey, let us also take a moment to acknowledge and appreciate the rights and regulations that safeguard our workforce. May this Holy Week be not only a period of solemn remembrance but also a testament to the respect and fairness we bestow upon those who labor during these hallowed days.

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Her Name, Her Choice: A Woman’s Guide to Retaining Her Maiden Name After Marriage

As societal landscapes evolve and the principles of gender equality gain prominence, the legal framework has adapted to accommodate diverse expressions of identity within the institution of marriage. The decision to retain one’s maiden name or adopt a spouse’s surname is deeply personal, reflecting a myriad of cultural, familial, and professional considerations.

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Build Your Business - Business Registration in the Philippines

New Year, New Venture: Your Roadmap to Successful Business Registration in the Philippines

The process of registering a business in the Philippines requires a methodical approach involving various entities such as the Securities and Exchange Commission, Department of Trade and Industry, Bureau of Internal Revenue, and local government units. This guide simplifies and consolidates the intricate steps in business registration, ensuring that all key considerations in establishing a smooth and legally compliant business are tackled.

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